Zombie Mess(OWC) Raghav

Zombie Mess

By:Raghav -no last name for you mwehehe-

“Pave?” I yelled as soft as I could while still being noticeable. “Pave” Pavement Coin (I don’t know the origin of his name) had disappeared. I started sinking down to the ground as I realized that those zombies might have gotten him. Suddenly, he dropped down from above. “PAVEMENT JAMES COIN YOU IMBECILE” I scolded him. “Friends need to stick together”

“Sorry, Lead Ratters had a lot of lead to spare for guns.” I was confused for a second. “Red ladders?” I asked, confused. “Lead Ratters. Get it right! I should catch you up on - is that a zombie?” “Yeah”


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